Current Supporters
We are very grateful to all our current supporters, whose generosity enables us to embed Musical Hydrotherapy in schools and hydrotherapy pools across the UK.
Alchemy Foundation
Ammco Charitable Trust
Angela Gallagher Memorial Fund
Archer Trust
Aspinwall Educational Charity
Barbara Ward Children's Charity
Bloss Family Foundation
Bonhomie United Charity Society
Broyst Foundation
Carron Charitable Settlement
Cheyne Charity
Cissie Rosefield Charitable Trust
DMF Ellis
Douglas Arter Foundation
F B Coales no 4 (Family) Trust 4
Fitton Trust
Glasgow Life
Gordon Family Charitable Trust
Grant Foundation
Harapan Charitable Trust
Heart of England Community Foundation
Helianthus Charitable Trust
Hudson Charitable Trust
Irving Memorial Trust
Ivy Ricketts Charitable Trust
James Wise Charitable Trust
Kass Charitable Trust
Kiln Family Trust
Ladbrokes Coral Trust
Magdelen Hospital Trust
Margaret Engering Music Trust
Margaret McEwan Trust
Mbili Charitable Trust
Pierrepont Trust
Rachel Charitable Trust
Ray Harris Charitable Trust
Rest-Harrow Trust
Robert Orpwood Blott Charitable Settlement
Samuel Gardner Memorial Trust
Senior Song Club, All Saints Church, Whitstable
Sir John Sumner Charity Trust
Sophie Jane Tyler Trust
Steven Bloch Image of Disability
Sweetea Charity
The Ardwick Trust
The Casey Trust
The Steni Trust
Thomas Curtis Charitable Trust
Whitehill Chase Foundation Trust
Worshipful Company of Basketmakers